
What is Hybrid Drumming?

Hybrid drumming is a style of drumming that combines elements of traditional drumming with electronic elements. This can include using electronic drums, triggers, or other electronic devices in conjunction with acoustic drums. Hybrid drummers often use a variety of techniques to create a unique and versatile sound

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Different Cymbal Playing Styles on a Drumkit

Cymbals are an essential part of the drum kit, and the way they are played can vary greatly depending on the style of music. In this article, we will explore some of the different cymbal playing styles, and how they can be used to create a variety of sounds.

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How to Improve Your Drumming Skills

Drums are one of the most versatile instruments in the world, and they can be used to create a wide variety of music. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, there are always ways to improve your drumming skills.

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